Niyaz Saghari

Niyaz Saghari is an independent experimental and documentary filmmaker. She has studied film directing at Art University of Tehran, Cinema-Theatre department and followed her interest in animation and experimental film by joining the M.A animation course at Newport University. Her work is focused on the urban and cultural life in her home town of Tehran and Bristol. She is a member of BEEF (Bristol Experimental Expanded Film) collective. She experiments with analogue formats, home processing and ways of making films as domestic as possible.

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  • +x+=+

    Directed by Niyaz Saghari • 2020 • Iran/UK
    Even in the last week of her life, my mother believed in the power of positive thinking and humour. She told her nurse + x+=+. I grieved for her by turning recordings of her voice , the sound of dust falling on her grave and old super 8 family film...