Red Lipstick
Shiva Sanjari
Directed by Shiva Sanjari • 2019 • Iran
Marriage and being wanted by men are still a significant issue in Iranian patriarchal
society. The meaning of beauty and its criteria is dramatically transformed in the past 40
years with mandatory hijab in the Islamic Revolution.
Masoumeh, a single 34-year-old hairdresser and owner of a small beauty salon in Tehran, shares intimate conversations with her clients, often reflective of the beauty standards and patriarchal pressures present in their lives. An independent business woman in a rigid society, Masoumeh weighs her own high expectations against the prospects of marriage while working to carve a path of her own.
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Here the Seats Are Vacant
اینجا صندلی ها خالیست
Directed by Shiva Sanjari • 2016 • Iran
The life of Iranian women who were working in the mainstream Iranian cinema changed drastically after the Islamic Revolution of 1979. These women use to get small roles or dance in these movies. But they suddenly eliminated from the in...