Sol Rikweda

Sol Rikweda is a graduate of the Metropolitan Film School in London and an experienced filmmaker and cinematographer with over 10 years of commercial and creative work for clients including Adobe, Teen Vogue, Illustrated Nails and Bulb. His MMA documentary 'Blood, Sweat and Chokes' won the 'Best Series' prize at the Raindance Film Festival and was selected for the Guardian pitch at Shefdoc 2017.

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  • Young Afghans

    افغان‌های جوان
    Directed by Makez Rikweda, Sol Rikweda • 2010 • Afghanistan
    Young Afghans follows three charismatic students as they navigate their final year of university in Kabul. As Farzana, Mauj and Sabawoon discuss their hopes and dreams for the future, we also catch a glimpse of Afghanistan...

  • Only Voice Remains

    تنها صدا است که می ماند
    Directed by Makez Rikweda, Sol Rikweda • 2019 • UK
    Only Voice Remains tells the story of Iranian poet Forough Farrokhzad whose confessional works and daring personal life broke barriers of sex and society - and in the process, redefined what it takes to be a great artist. ...